Dare-Zine magazine invites for the fourth time
creative & critical authors to become part of its pages!
Please read the rules to apply in full before sending us your work. Applications which do not meet all given criteria will not be considered!
The platform for shared inspiration and reflection
continues its journey onto its fourth issue. It will once again
coordinate a group of artists who would exchange their perspectives in
the form of artworks, as well as in that of critical/analytical/freely written
arguments within the field of art.
The invite is open to creative, as well as to theoretical authors -
detailed information about whom and what we are looking for can be read below.
All artworks suggested for the exchange of inspiration will be
shared amongst the selected participants.
The process of creating a new issue for Dare-Zine includes a few steps to be followed...
Deadline to apply: 28 August 2022
Necessary documents:
1 PDF file with your full name, ID number* and short bio
1 PDF file with your artworks (as explained below)
1 photo of you in good quality (to be used potentially when presenting you as an author in the issue)
All documents should be sent to via WeTransfer,
and NOT as attached files to the email!
Open call to creative authors
In order to participate, you need to be willing to take on the challenge to create an interpretation, of sorts, of another's piece, as well as for your artwork to serve as inspiration point for another artist!
Send a PDF file via WeTransfer (please, do not attach files directly onto the email!) at with selected works of yours which you suggest to take part in the exchange of inspiration. If these are visual works, please arrange them by 2 in a row within the PDF. Audio and video works can be attached separately or shared via link within a PDF document. Each artwork should include a title, or indicate that it lacks one. The PDF file must be titled with the author's name.
Artworks within the following genres are accepted:
drawings/paintings (incl. mixed media)
digital art
video art (MP4)
prose (short stories)
short dramaturgical texts
short radio plays (WAV / MP3)
music (WAV / MP3)
Open call to theoretical texts
Dare-Zine's fourth issue is looking for critical/analytical/free-form texts and reflections, exploring and/or commenting on a subject very much related to the platform, namely the relation between forms of art:
is it enriching? is it inspiring? is it necessary? does it contain negative aspects? are we losing a sense of depth or are we reaching a new one?
You can use a case study or present your own argumented reflections. Fully written texts can be sent, as well as such still in the process of coming up - we require at least the half of the indicated word count to be submitted.
Send a PDF file via WeTransfer (please, do not attach files directly onto the email!) at with your work. The PDF must be titled with the author's name.
Texts guidelines:
critique/analysis with clear and in-depth argumentation, with a bibliography provided: 1500 words (not including bibliography)
free-form reflections written from an original perspective with a clearly stated argument: 1100-1500 words
After the end of the open call our team will contact all selected participants.
Period of time: 29 August - 25 September 2022
The newly created artworks and the final versions of the texts are to be sent once again at, via a WeTransfer link. Some specifications:
The newly created digital illustrations are to be sent in size A3 and at 300 dpi. Please provide both RGB and CMYK files if coloured, and Grayscale if black & white; PNG format is good enough. Please also include extra 10mm on all sides for bleed settings*. Handmade visual works need to be scanned/photographed in great printing quality.
The critical texts, if needed, will be edited by Dare-Zine's team; all changes will be communicated with the author.
After we receive all finalised creations, we'll begin working on designing the print edition.
Issue IV - 'Autumn' - will come out in November 2022.
Follow the online channels of the magazine and community of
Dare-Zine - its website, Facebook and Instagram accounts, - where the authors
of our new issue will also be presented near its release.
By responding to Dare-Zine's open call, you agree for our team to assess in full confidentiality the information you provide, of which your photo and short biography will be shared publicly only in the case of you becoming part of issue IV.
*Frequently asked questions
Why do I need to tell you my full name and ID number? - Each author in Dare-Zine magazine signs an agreement related to copyright of their artwork included in the given issue. Your full name and ID number form the foundational information upon which your identity can be confirmed by authorities in case this becomes necessary.
What does it mean to add 10mm on all sides of a digital illustration for bleed settings? - In the process of creating the print edition, some illustrations are set to be right at the border of a page. In order not to lose any detail while the paper is being printed, we add a certain amount of 'bleed margin' which does not end up being visible at the final result. That is why we ask for some extra space on your illustration which would become part of this 'invisible' bleed margin space and will help us to secure your image does not get cut out. It also allows us to situate your work more freely within our design choices.
Does my response to the open call guarantee my participation in the upcoming issue of Dare-Zine? - No, it does not. Creative authors' participation is confirmed once they've provided results from the exchange of inspiration: the creation of new pieces, inspired by those of other artists part of the coordinated group for the given issue. Creative works also undergo a selection process, factoring in the number of authors and creations, their character and relation to the rest. However, even if some newly created pieces do not become part of the upcoming issue, they will still be considered for next ones, as well as to be showcased differently via Dare-Zine's platform.
Can I apply with works from more than one genre? - Yes! We are open to the variety of your talents and means for expression. All creative materials can be included in a single PDF file.
Can I apply with both creative works, and a critical text? - Yes, you can. But please provide 2 separate PDF files arranged as requested in both categories' criteria.
How come you accept audio and video materials for a printed magazine? - We are funky like that. Well, if you're familiar with our second and third issues, you would have stumbled across some QR codes. Issue III expanded the exchange and the flow between forms of art, as well as the possibilities for its presentation and sharing. The audio and the video works live not just online (on our website), but also at live events we tend to organise (meet-ups, showcases, exhibitions, etc.).
If you have further questions, feel free to contact us at
We'll be happy to welcome you as an author in our fourth issue - and therefore,
as a fellow-minded member of our community!